Monday, March 28, 2011

Post About Running

I've never been a fast runner. In order to do decent on the PT test I have coming up, I have to do the mile and a half in under 15:22. If I do it in 15:23- 16:22 (I think) I will lose about 3 points, so I'd better have an extra skinny waist. The run and the waist measurement are given the most importance. The sit ups and push ups are worth much less.

15 minutes for 1.5 miles should be easy. But for some reason it is not for me. I can run for 4.5 miles, but only if I go slow. I know you can improve your speed by doing intervals and I've been doing that the entire 2 months I've been here (with some days just doing normal running) but I don't think I've seen an improvement.

My first run here the weekend I got here was just over 15 minutes. A few weeks ago I think I had 14:30 or thereabouts. A very small difference for a lot of work. But now my times have gone back up!

I think perhaps the problem is the humidity. This past Sunday I went for a run on the path along the beach. The air was sticky and heavy and the outside temperature was 80 degrees with 60% humidity. I knew running the track would be unbearable and I hoped being so close to the beach would be a bit more pleasant. I know 80 is "nothing" compared to the temps AZ or the SCV see, but 1) I'm not acclimated to it now 2) you have to consider the humidity and 3) Ventura County is not AZ or the SCV and my body has become a weather wimp.

My goal was to maintain a pace in which I could finish very close to 15 minutes, without walking. Recently I've been doing intervals where I run the first 1/2 mile "fast" (which takes about 4 minutes, 30 seconds) then I'm forced to walk or die- run the next 1/2 mile after I recover, walk again then finish up the last 1/2 mile. This is not a happy experience. Chest pains can never be good. Should I push through, or listen to my imagination which is telling me I'm going to give myself a heart attack?

I started off at a decent pace. The heat was melting me. I tend to be very ladylike in at least one way- I usually hardly sweat at all when running. But the humidity has me sweating like a horse coming down the homestretch. I hit 1.1 miles (thanks GPS watch) and the nausea forced me to walk. It was around 1 or 2 in the afternoon and I hadn't eaten lunch. I had sweated out whatever liquids I had in me. I walked for a bit, ran/shuffled, walked then ran. I finished in 16:18, under the second time limit.

Today, I was determined to do better. It felt much cooler, I had lunch, and I had water with my lunch also. The humidity was not quite as bad so I did not become as dehydrated. I felt much better and did not once think I was going to pass on. I looked at my watch and saw I had to pick up the pace to meet my 15:22 goal. I was at 1.49 and about 15:15. I ran faster, but I was confused. Maybe the heat was getting to me after all. I kept going, thinking I was never going to make it, running fast and faster. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I realized the distance I was at 1.57, is past 1.5 and I could stoop. The time was 16 something but doing the math I probably did make my goal. And if I realized how close I was I would have been able to squeeze out an extra second or two to make sure I made it.

There are 2 lessons learned.

1) What you eat or drink before the workout does create a big difference. The run on Sunday was thwarted by lack of fuel and dehydration.

2) The weather also plays a big role for me. Heat and more especially humidity makes my times go down in a significant way. I hope I get to run in the morning and that it is nice and cool. Last time we tested at 2pm, which was unfortunate because not only was it hotter, but it was also after lunch- but not far enough after that my food had settled. If I run in the morning I do not have to eat first.

A quick amusing story- I passed some guys going the other direction and one guy tried to give me a high five telling me I was doing good but it was so unexpected I dissed him... Opps. Those guys looked like runners should- tall, skinny, and with nicely defined muscles (they had their shirts off so I could make a good assesment.) Maybe I was too busy checking out their physique to have time to realize why his hand was out. I always feel especially awkward when running. For some reason it makes me feel extra short and wide. The nice guy could probably tell I needed the encouragement.

Today I was styling it in my official PT gear and non- official canvas hat with the full brim (the one I do agility and hike in) and chin string because of the wind. Yesterday I had sunscreen on but no hat- today no sunscreen but hat. I'm not sure that it is ok to wear such a hat with the PT gear but I figured the Air Force does not want me to get skin cancer.

Looks like I'll have rain for the drive home. Drat.

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