Sunday, January 24, 2010

UDX Quest Report

No legs to report so far. We've tried three times now. First try was at the Mal Nationals last summer. We Qed in Open B but NQed in Utility. Yesterday we NQed in Utility again. Funny thing is it was the same judge as at the nationals (she remembered Pie!) and we failed the same three things! (signals, gloves, articles.) We Qed in open b. I KNEW Pie can do articles. It was my fault because before going into the ring I dropped an ice chip that had come off some frozen ham into the bag and it landed on number 2 leather and that is the one she brought back. I know she should look for my scent, but I taught her using the food scent method, so I am the only one to blame. Gloves has always been tricky for us and signals are usually ok.

Today she Qed in Utility and was clean going into the groups in Open B. We did the down first which I didn't think would cause a problem on the sit, but it did. She made it through the down fine, then as soon as we walked out of the building for the sit, she downed. It is too bad (especially because there were so many other NQs I would have had second and maybe one OTCH point!) but Pie is so young and I KNOW she can do it, I know we will get it eventually. No worries. That tune may change if we NQ for years though! Agility is still our focus so our next show isn't until March (at the So Cal Terv club trial) and I don't know when we'll show again after that.

Other than not having much to show for it title wise (but I think I got some Obedience Master points towards our OM title) it was a good weekend. Met one of ffluffy's friends, ate fish at chips at the Ventura harbor, took the dogs (only Pie because Fancy and Dot were at home) to a Ventura beach with huge waves and bought some cool collars for Pie (hearts) and Dottie (flames.) Fancy didn't get one because they are special no pull collars and she doesn't need one.

On Sunday ffluffy (should that be capitalized?) and I took the dogs to the beach again (this time all the dogs) and played so much that Dottie got tired and would chase Fancy only half way on each throw.

I'm reading the second "Ender's Game" book, Speaker for the Dead and enjoying it just as much as the first one. I thought it wouldn't be as good because in the forward of EG the author says it isn't as popular, but so far, so good. I have also read Ender's Shadow which is a companion novel to EG and I like ES better than EG.

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