Wednesday, January 20, 2010


That is "updates" with a P. Because most of the updates are about the dogs, as usual.

First- not the dogs. I had Monday off, and I saw the Sherlock Holmes movie. I enjoyed it.

Lots of rain. Yesterday we had 1 inch of rain in 1/2 hour. Today (tonight) CE has people manning the base all night in case the flooding gets worse. I've been lucky in that everytime I've driven to or from work there has been a lull in the rain. On my street alone there are 2 "Flooded" signs, but once the rain stops, the flooding quickly drains away.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programing. The same friend as last time (I'll have to find out if it is ok if I mention names) and I went back to PetSmart. Last time I had shaped Dottie getting into a basket and she did it correctly after some work. One day later she hoped in first thing like she knew exactly what I wanted.

We worked both of the dogs who have their obedience show this coming weekend. I felt a bit strange throwing my dumbbell down the dog food isle, but not nearly as strange as when we brought the puppies in and I was carrying a lunge whip! Who me? Taking a whip into a store? For those that might not know, you attach a toy to the whip and the puppies chase the toy around. It gets them very excited.

After work yesterday I took the dogs walking. It did not rain on us. But the tall grass was quite wet and Fancy came back muddy. More muddy than you can see in the picture.

Today it rained even more. It was raining after work, but the dogs still need their walk. I carefully forded the raging river to get to the walking spot. I really didn't want to loose a boot in the mud, or get sucked into quicksand never to be seen again. It rained on us almost the whole time, but the dogs don't care, and I was dry in my gortex.

On the way back, the "river" was a bit more full. I had a contingency plan ready to implement. It involved going back up the hill, fighting my way through the barbed wire fence, fending off the loose dogs that live next door, keeping my dogs from eyeballing the horses across the road, and taking the bridge home. In the Air Force, this would have been referred to as the CRAP plan. And not because it was a bad plan. It stands for Contingency Response Plan. And it is one of those things that you say the acronym, then repeat the last word. Contingency Response Plan plan (I don't know where the "a" comes from. I think people just like saying "crap.") Another example is CAC card. Common Access Card card. Or The TAG. The The Adjunct General.

But to get back to the story. I didn't relish the thought of implementing my CRAP plan. I "tested the waters" (literally.) The muddy flow came up over my boot and I couldn't tell if the bottom was firm enough. So I moved a bit further down stream and made the dogs run back and forth to see if that told me how bad the mud was. Then I employed trusty Pie and crossed carefully with her next to me, me using her to distribute my weigh further as to avoid any sinkage. It worked. But my boots got nasty floating muck on them. Ewwww.

Now the dogs are resting in their crates, drying off, I hope.
After the walk. It was not dark when we returned. The flash is just making it appear dark. Once again, the picture can not show Fancy's true dirty nature.
(Look how dark Pie is compared to Dot. Yes, the wetness makes her look even darker, but Dottie is wet too...)

If I never blog again it is the fault of this horrid, horrible, terrible, frustrating, hair-pulling, teeth gnashing, wailing and carrying on internet connection. I HATE IT!!!!!!!! First, the internet won't be available for a full day. Then it will come back, but I have to reset the connection about five times. Then pages won't load. Then I loose the connection. Finally, when everything is working, the pictures I want to load just refuse to load. The laptop seems to have better luck. Probably because it is not also dealing with a separate wireless adapter. But I tried to finish this post using the laptop and it still wasn't cooperating. I left it alone, ate dinner, read some of my current book and now it is finally having mercy on me.


ffluffy said...

LOL!!! I think you should always carry a whip into stores!!!! and you can always use my name as 'ffluffy'!!! let the rain continue...

Older and Wiser said...

I'm glad you weren't all swept away in the raging river!