Sunday, January 18, 2009

Handstand Progress

Here is our video from day two.

Now we are going to take a break because I'm sure she's using muscles she's not used to using, so taking a break is a good idea. I did not practice any more with Fancy.

Pie is sleeping now. I'm sure our 5 mile off leash hike, our two mile on leash walk with the six pound Pie Pack (that is over 10% of her body weight she is carrying) and our handstand practice has tired her out. For now.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Pretty amazing! I had no idea dogs were able to use their front legs like that. Next time I'll have to watch the videos when Moxie is not around, the clicking and the few barks she heard seemed to really confuse her! She was looking all around for the other dog and/or the treat for the click :)