Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All of our Videos from the Weekend

I bought all of Dottie's videos so I can see what worked and where we went wrong. I bought 2 of Pie's to celebrate and one of Fancy's so I will have a memento of our great times together.
Pie is hyper due to cool weather and got first over 25 plus dogs. I think my skirt is too short. Good thing it has shorts built in.

Pie- Second Place.

Fancy is the best. I only bought one of her videos.

Our best contacts all weekend. A great run due to speed and attention with just a few bobbles.

A nice lead out but I shouldn't have done it, because then I couldn't cue the jump she missed. Lame choice. She was otherwise super!

Attack of the baby dog. These are the only bars she knocked all weekend. I appreciate her saving them all for one run, but I'm not sure why we had so many. Where did our nice contacts from yesterday go?

Whee!! We like to sproing.

My fault on the weaves. Pretty good dog walk.

First Excellent Jumpers Q. Probably because she was slower than usual for some unknown reason. She also was more subdued outside the ring. Because I'm a spaz I took her temperature but all was good.

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