Sunday, April 10, 2011

Videos from Ventura Trail

The really good news is I didn't get injured this weekend, unlike the lady who fell in a hole while running and broke her ankle (wish we got to run on those perfect indoor soccer fields!) and another lady who twisted her knee. Ouch.

These are the videos. I like the embedded feature but it wasn't quite right last time because you couldn't see the right side. So follow this link instead. Click here.

Trying embedded below.

Nope, still can't see the whole thing. Use the link "click here" instead.

2 Qs for Pie- no QQ. 2 Qs for Fancy from only 1 day. No Qs for baby Dottie but she had some really nice pieces! Not so nice but still impressive was an attempted bounce jump. She didn't quite make it. I think I need a smaller dog. Or I should move to Europe where the different sized dogs run totally different courses with different spacing between the jumps. Take that, small dogs. You don't have mile between jumps to turn and call off the off courses like you are used to now. And the big dogs might actually get to stretch out and get up to full stride before collecting for another turn.

Tomorrow is my 1/2 day and I have to go to the dentist and get my taxes done. I might as well sleep on a bed of nails tonight and eat a sword for breakfast. Not my idea of a fun 1/2 day off.

1 comment:

Dove said...

You guys were totally FABULOUS!!!
WOW!!! How do you do the weaves sooo fast???
P.S We think this site is FABULOUS!!!
~All of us here @ Bog by a Dog!!!