Thursday, April 28, 2011


I had these on my desk all week and got many, many compliments on them. They are from my mother's rose bushes. The white one is the Pope John Paul II rose. Pie ate the original bush (that was a while ago, soon after I got her,) so I bought my mom a replacement and it is doing well. It has a nice scent. The deep red one has a very strong fragrance also. It is possibly Mr. Lincoln or maybe Mr. Amazing or something like that. The one with the yellow and orange together is called About Face. We don't know the name of the huge pink ones and I don't remember if the yellow one has a name or not. I'm also unsure about the orangish one. I wish the photo came out better of the About Face. It got the most comments because the inside and outside color of the petals is different and it is most striking on the edge where the 2 colors meet.

They brightened up my desk and the aroma was almost over powering at times! I didn't want to leave them sitting all weekend being unappreciated so I am bringing them to AZ with me.

In the 2 non-Disney versions of Beauty and the Beast I've read (actually by the same author which was interesting) roses played a big role. Because I liked those stories so much and because roses are so beautiful, I would like to use the name Rose or Rosie as a dog name some day, but I dislike names with Rs in them, so that is probably out.

Thanks for cutting me such beautiful roses Mom! You do a great job with them.

1 comment:

Dove said...

Those are FABULOUS!!!
Flowers make me sneeze! LOL!
I love flowers!