Monday, June 15, 2009

Let There Be Light!

Maybe God just stretched out his hand, but I drove to Target and spent money. Here are the lamps I bought that I blogged about earlier. Thrillsville, I know.

For your consideration: Lamp Number One:
Lamp Number Two:

And Lamp Number Three:

And this is the reject lamp that couldn't light its way out of a paper bag. Banished to the computer room:

And a gratuitous picture of Blossom napping on MY bed using MY pillow. I suppose I can't be too upset since I put him there.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Oh my gosh, that picture of Blossom is to die for!! So cute!!

I need more lights in my house. I bought a lamp at Target about a month ago, and I really like it. What a revelation to have a light to read by when sitting on the couch.