Friday, October 23, 2009

Poor Blossom

Blossom went off his food, much like when I first got him, but not quite as bad because he is eating at least every other day. And he cried horribly when I picked him up the other day. So we went to our favorite hang out spot, the vet, and she diagnosed blood in the urine and anemia. I didn't quite understand what the anemia signifies (I'll have to talk to my friends who know about this kind of stuff) and she gave antibiotics in case the blood is caused by a kidney infection. Since blood in the urine is a symptom, and not a disease, we don't know what is causing it... And today, he has started limping on his back leg. I found my self thinking of it as the rear driver's side. I must still be recovering from the flat tire incident.

It is also Poor Blossom because he had to stay home today while I took Fancy, Pie and Knotty on a hike before our agility trial. The trial started at one, so we had enough time to drive out to the Angeles Forest and hike up the hill. This hiking spot of choice is all up hill on a dirt road, until you turn around, then it is all down hill. We were passed by a Forest Law Enforcement vehicle and met a truck coming towards us. Neither vehicle ran over any dogs.

Knotty fell into a mud hole and got some mud on her tongue and made a funny face. On the way down Fancy was thirsty enough to lick the mud but I made her stop. There was no standing water, but it was very wet mud. The most interesting part was when Pie alerted to something over the side and looked like she was going to chase it. I have a "No chasing what I can't see" policy and told her no. As soon as I said that, I heard heavy crashing and then three deer broke cover and bounded (boing, boing, boing) down the hill. They were very large. Pie spotted them and started to quiver. Fancy saw them too and was equally excited. I know you are not allowed to use dogs to hunt deer, I don't have a hunting license anyway, I don't know if it is deer season, I know you are not allowed to let your dogs harass wild life AND I know it isn't nice to let your dogs chase wild animals who spend all day looking for or eating food, because the unnecessary chasing will make them burn energy they need later, BUT I really wanted to let my dogs have fun and chase the deer. However, I am a good responsible dog owner and told them NO again and the deer bounded off and we continued on our way. Pie and Fancy both took NO to mean they couldn't go over the side, but it didn't stop them from racing down the paved road, the same direction the deer went. Just in case the dogs were trying to be sneaky and planned on going over the side once they were out of sight around a bend, I called them back. They came, and they were still on the road, so I suppose they are good dogs. Knotty was tired from all the walking and never saw the deer or picked up on the excitement of the other dogs.

Then we went to the agility trial and it was hot and the dogs were still tired from the walk. My steady Fancy is letting me down and having run after run with out qualifying, which is extra bad luck since she only needs 11 points for her third agility championship. She is bored with showing so much so I've given up trying to qualify for the Nationals. Therefore, you will see me in November, since I'll be taking a small break from showing. Fancy could be a super agility dog- if she enjoyed it more. What's not to like, really? I don't understand that dog, sometimes.

I hope Blossom's health issues are figured out soon, although I think his agility career has been axed before it ever begun.

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