Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dottie Rally Novice

Our Obedience club was holding our first trial and I entered Utility A.  However as the closing date approached I realized I had not put enough time into fixing our article problem and Dottie still cannot reliably do the scent articles.  I suppose my focus has been VST tracking training.  So I wrote the secretary and had her change our entry to Rally.  I could have pulled from the trial, but since it is my club I wanted to support the entry.

I was walking the course when the judge called for the first dog.  We were second.  I ran to get Dottie who indicated she needed to potty.  She began her typical endless potty circle and did not commit and the first dog was almost done. Then I realized I didn't have my number so I told Dottie she missed her chance and ran back for the crate, only to discover my armband had blown away down a hill!  I chased it down, nabbed it, and attempted to attach it to my arm as I ran for the ring.  I did not warm up but since it is rally I could give her extra verbal commands to remind her I actually did expect her to pay attention when I said "heel."  We did keep the judge waiting just a few seconds, but she didn't hold it against us since we scored a perfect 100 anyways.  Rally Novice should be relaxing for us, but being caught unprepared made it stressful!

The judge said she doesn't normally give out 100s, but we deserved it. Good Dottie!  I felt like it actually wasn't that good, but the judge is the judge, so we'll take it. 

I'd really like to get these articles figured out.  IPO 3, FH, TDX, and she can't understand the utility scent articles...

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