Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snow Pictures...Again

On Monday, Kate and I went to the snow. We went to the same location as last time (first blog post) but this time there was hardly any snow. However, it was enough for us. It was icy on the road, so we just drove up a short distance, parked, then let the dogs run amuck.

A very rude and unsafe guy ruined our otherwise nice time by roaring up the road and refusing to stop while we corraled our dogs. Kate was waving at him to stop but he just kept coming. What if we wanted him to stop because the third member of our party was laying just around the bend in the middle of the road with a broken leg? (Probably he knew that was unlikely because we would have drug the hapless individual out of harms way.) What if I was holding Kate hostage and she was waving for help? (Maybe he didn't want to get involved in a hostage situation.) What if our truck was broken down and we were waving for a ride? (Maybe he thought we looked dangerous. Like in Back to the Future where Marty tries to stop the old guy in the car and the old lady says "Drive George! Drive!") What if we were waving at him to stop because we had dogs running around that we didn't want to get run over? (Obviously he was a jerk who didn't care and couldn't be bothered to drive at a safe speed.)

Other than that, we had a nice, cold, time, and here are a few pictures to prove it. This was before I butchered Fancy's hair cut. Kate took all the pictures.

Poor Fancy was always trailing along in the rear.

This is puppy Power. It was her first trip to the snow.

I think this is an exceptionally cute picture.

Driven and Power (sisters.)

Pie being bad.


It could be a greeting card.

This one is even cuter, but Pie barged into the frame and ruined it. Typical little sister behavior.Why don't I ever take such nice pictures?


Kathleen said...

It looks like a good time was had by all.

Aunt Kathleen

Claire said...

Great pictures!! What fun, although no thanks to the rude guy. I love your reference to Back to the Future...we just watched the trilogy a few weeks ago and I laughed out loud thinking of that guy being scared of you two and your ferocious dogs.

Moxie was playing in the front yard yesterday when her friend Molly showed up. They ran like maniacs all over, including the street, and neither would listen to their owners. They both were in big trouble. My voice is all scratchy now from shouting her name.

Older and Wiser said...

Where did you go? It looked like fun.