Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dog Pack Pictures

All of the native dogs and visiting dogs had another fun time playing in the yard today. I took some pictures and posted a few. The rest (and there are quite a few!) can be seen here:

Ignore the ones of dogs chewing on bones and of Fancy being shaved (they are old.) Be sure to look at all three pages!

Dottie and Bob played quite a bit then Bob decided he wanted to give Pie a try, but Dottie wouldn't leave them alone.

Pickle keeps an eye out while Bob chews a toy.

I taught Moose a new trick while I was here. I call it "road kill."

The pack hurtles towards an unsuspecting Fancy. Pickle wisely hides behind the a frame.

Dottie and Bob are both about to turn one year old.


Claire said...

I love (LOVE!) the picture of the pack hurtling towards an unsuspecting Fancy. The question remains though: what happened? Was she accosted? Did she escape? Was she actually completely suspecting and just luring the pack into a trap?

Three Dog Days said...

Luckily Fancy escaped unharmed. The pack came close and Fancy jumped up in fright, but all ended well. I didn't know she or Pickle was in the picture until after I looked at them. Always fun to see what comes up!