Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Photos of the Creepy Bug and Cute Dogs

This morning one of the creepy bugs forgot to go to bed and was on my screen door. I felt safe because I know once they are on a screen they go into a comma or something. I took his picture when I came home from work because he was still there. Then I flicked him off the door with a shovel and he hissed at me.

Does anyone know what type of bug this is? It is about the size of my thumb, comes out at dusk, and seems to go away around an hour after full dark.

These are the trees I have. I think they live in the trees. When it starts to get dark I hear them moving around in there. The bugs fly and try to break into my house.

Size of bug.

To off set the bug photos, here are dog photos.
Blossom had ants in his pants. Maybe because he has actually started eating like a normal dog (ie- anticipating dinner and whining for it) he is feeling frisky.

Those ants must tickle!

Fancy and Pie work on the "head down" command.

Pie tries to cheat. As usual. "Is this low enough?" No Pie, try again.

Pie misses the ball.

Happy Girl.

Pretty Girl.

Pie misses the ball again.

Pie gets the ball.

Pie has learned that when she puts her chin on my lap, I cannot resist petting her. This is not a natural behavior for her, she truly learned my weakness. Who could resit this? Petting does make typing hard.

Apparently, Blossom is quickly learning the same thing.

Fancy is the original chin on body part rester, but today she decided to claim her favorite spot under the computer desk.

The dogs are cute, and I hope the creepy bugs go away and never come back!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Great doggie pictures, but please no more of gross bugs, or else I will have to reciprocate with pics of our giant cockroaches (luckily they are not in the house though).

Blossom definitely is very playful, I love the one of his back legs in the air. So cute! Moxie hasn't yet figured out the head on knee thing, but maybe she does know about it and just opts not to do it. Her dog to person ratio is in her favor.

PS. Laura's favorites were the last 3 pictures.