Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fancy Plays with Dottie

Agility was canceled because of rain (which ended up not materializing) so I had plenty of time to play on the computer. I found this video of Fancy and Dottie playing. If you can call it that. When Fancy plays with Dottie and also when she plays with Pie, the other dog's ruff goes up because they know Fancy can't be trusted not to randomly bite them in a non-play manner. They are proven correct again and again, yet they continue to initiate play with her, or accept her invitations, on the rare occasions she offers. The ruff is up because they are insecure or wary (due to the high likelihood of being bitten.)

I think she does it just to remind them who is in charge. Fancy is lucky (as I am) that they take the abuse and do not retaliate...


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