Monday, May 25, 2015


USDAA weekend for Dottie and I at the new Happy Dog location. It is only about 15 minutes from my house on a horse ranch.  I really liked it. It was good weekend for us. However, I need 2 standard legs for our MAD (master agility dog title, somewhat equivalent to an Excellent agility title in AKC), with 2 different judges, and I didn't get any. This is too bad because usually there is only one judge at a trial so that means even if I get lucky and get 2 Qs at one trial, I still won't have the title.  Drat. But, we did get our first Super Q!  You need 3 Super Qs for the ADCH, the champion title, and I have trouble getting them, so that was great! On Sunday we Qed and placed in Snooker, Gamblers and Jumpers, and on Monday- Jumpers, Gamblers and Pairs.

This horse was watching me teach the dogs the skateboard trick and she though she should get a dog treat.  I got permission to feed her apples from a tree and she was placated.  I think she might be an Andalusian. 

Pie is  not pictured because she views horses as prey. I can control her, but I didn't want to take any chances that I might get distracted while talking a picture. This is also why Pie is not herding. Dottie and Fancy are totally neutral towards horses. It is interesting, I'd think they might at least take a passing interest but nope.

Besides running Dottie, teaching tricks and petting the horse, I also worked a bunch of classes and got $34 towards my next entry.  Nice!

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