Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today's Video

Using the contact trainer a la ffluffy. Pie gets a turn also. Dot does better with me ahead. Pie with me behind.

I had to fix it because it was pointing at the shed and I put the toy off to the side and she kept running off the side- which is to be expected. I don't think you can really see it in the video though.

I did lots of dog training today. Obedience with Dottie at lunch at the close park. A tiny track with Fancy and Pie. Came home and did the video, plus 2 weaves with Pie.

Then I did my run and got a good time. Now I'm off to agility class then I'll bag my raw when I get home. Another busy day!

The second video from today.

Dottie was great in class today. I worked on rewarding her more and she stayed fast and happy. Fancy was fast and happy as usual since I have a hot dog in my hand.

I didn't finish bagging all my raw since the chicken backs and turkey necks were still completely frozen. I think once they unthaw everything will fit.

1 comment:

Dove said...

That touch training was FABULOUS!!!
Hey, your getting better!!!
Good Jod!Keep up to good work :D