Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Sold My Trailer

I only had it for 6 months. Used it twice. Planned to take it to Mississippi but that didn't work out. I sold it for more than I bought it for, which I was sure I would be able to do when I bought it, which was one of the reasons I felt it was ok to spend a good chunk of savings buying something I didn't need.

Read on for the full details: (some people got the email- you can stop reading now.)

The first guy who contacted me bought the trailer today. I had it advertised on Craigslist for a day when he first contacted me. He paid the full price, but tried to talk me down. (I was firm.) He pulled it off in his Jeep, although that won't be his normal tow vehicle. He has a daughter and a Portuguese Water Dog, in addition to the wife. Hope they all fit. He seemed happy. I think it is a good trailer, so it should work out well.

I am sad. We (ffluffy and I and 7 dogs) had 2 good times in it. But I made money selling it and due to my Buick not being a real tow vehicle, there were places I was uncomfortable pulling it, like up to Big Bear or the camp ground in Santa Barbara. The Buick pulled it ok but I was always nervous about the engine over-heating. Because I bought it for so cheap, I knew if it didn't work out I could sell it without a loss. I thought about keeping it for the future if my circumstances changed (such as buying a bigger car) but then I worried I might have to pay some maintenance costs on it. Plus, I don't want a bigger car due to gas mileage.

I had wanted a trailer or RV for a while, but I knew the gas cost (meaning you don't really save money) was a concern. Since I had planned to take it to MS so I could take the dogs, that justified the purchase. That and the cheap price. I wasn't taking a big risk buying it since the price was so low.

My gas mileage went down by ½ while towing it. It was good because we (meaning ffluffy) could cook in it and we set up right at the trial, but some trials make you pay a lot to park. At Long Beach it was actually more (twice as much) than Motel 6. That is because people have their huge motor homes that are bigger and nicer than my house. They stay in those and they wouldn't stay in a dinky Motel 6. Plus, they set up around 10 x-pens for their dogs and leave them outside a long time. We take a lot of dogs to Motel 6, but they are pet dogs and know how to behave inside, unlike some show dogs. Usually it is closer to $25 a night at a dog show.

Anyway, that's the scoop. It was a nice trailer and I wish my car could tow it easier without having a bigger engine and more gas cost. I would like a motor home someday. I wish someone sold a small RV on the body of a Ford E-350 van. I've seen them on E-450 or larger but those RVs are at least 20 ft. Something like the old Dolphins on the Toyota body. Something where you get more than 10 mpg. And it doesn't cost an arm and a torso.

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