Thursday, October 1, 2009


And not the yummy powdered kind. Or the even better kind with icing and sprinkles. Nope- it is the kind that you have to take all the dog crates, and x-pen, and cart, and folding soft crate out of the back of your car to use the special tool to lower the cable all the way to the ground so this type of donut can then be drug out from under your car and put on your vehicle by the 16 year old boy who shows up when you call roadside assistance because your dad wounldn't teach you to change a tire because he said, "That's what roadside assistance is for" but they always take forever to arrive, so you consider reading the owner's manual and changing it yourself, until you read the part that says the vehicle could roll over and kill you, so you decide to call roadside assistance and that is when the infant arrives and installs it, and then you can drive around on it for four days, looking really ghetto and being put in a dangerous situation since you are far exceeding the 50 miles recommended because the tire store did not have the cheap but highly recommended tires in stock and they ordered them, promising they would arrive the next day, but they didn't, and the next day after they didn't come when the were supposed to, the man calls and says they got shipped to the wrong store and they will be in the following day, but you no longer have any faith in the store and figure you should follow in the footsteps of one of your co-worker's friends who wanted to lower his car so he took off all the regular tires and installed four donuts. That kind of donut. I think I would prefer the kind with powder. Or sprinkles. Either one.

On a completely unrelated topic, Pie just walked up to me, licked my elbow three times (I counted) then wandered off. I think she is planning on slaughtering me while I sleep tonight and then consuming me. She was either engaging in a taste test or trying to tenderize one of the bony areas. Probably I won't be able to sleep tonight for fear that I won't be alive in the morning.

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